* Please copy and paste this entire form, fill it in and email to AlpacaconsultingAU@gmail.com * * Please answer all the question if possible, as it will be useful for us to provide services for you. But you may leave blank * ***************** Alpaca Consulting Service request form (www.onlinedatingidentitycheck.com.au) ***************** -------------------- ONLINE LOVER INFORMATION -------------------- - Online lover's first name: - Online Lover's surname: - which website / apps / other means did you know this online lover: - what is your usual of contact with this online lover (eg. facebook, whatsapp, email...etc): Please provide his/her details (eg. facebook name/ whatsapp number, email address... etc): - Online Lover's claimed physical location (Country/ city): - Online Lover's claimed recently visited countries (if any): - Online Lover's claimed nationality: - Online Lover's claimed occupation: - Online Lover's claimed occupation details (if known): - Online Lover's email address: -------------------- Your basic information -------------------- - Your first name or real nickname (only required if you want service 2): - Sex (Male / Female / others): - Your country: - Your state: - Your email address: - Your phone number country code (eg. +61, +852, +64): - Your phone number: -------------------- Current status (Optional to answer, but will be helpful for us to analyse the case) -------------------- - Have you paid any money to your online lover? (Yes/No) If yes: how much: When: (From DD-MON-YYYY to DD-MON-YYYY) by what channel(eg. Western union / international bank transfer / local bank transfer / bitcoin): - Have he / she asked you to do anything such as carry bag or transitting money? If yes, please give details: - Have your case been reported to police or authority? (Yes/No) If yes, which country or state police had it been reported to? what is the event number? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which service do you want (choose 1-5. Can choose multiple items): 1. Photos Identity Check 2. Country / IP address capture (Accurate) 3. Verification of websites / profiles / doc 4. Country Check (Email IP Address) * If you want service 1 (Photos Identity Check), please attach ALL your online lover's photo in your email. * If you want service 3, please fill in the following: i) website/ profile / doc: What it claims to be(Please give detail): Please provide URL and/or attachment ii) website/ profile / doc: What it claims to be(Please give detail): Please provide URL and/or attachment iii) website/ profile / doc: What it claims to be(Please give detail): Please provide URL and/or attachment iii) website/ profile / doc: What it claims to be(Please give detail): Please provide URL and/or attachment iii) website/ profile / doc: What it claims to be(Please give detail): Please provide URL and/or attachment *** By submitting this form, you confirm you have read the "Disclaimer" in below URL: https://www.onlinedatingidentitycheck.com.au/services.php#disclaimer If it is confirmed that he/she is a romance scammer, you should NOT inform him/her that you know he/she is fake.